The first ‘Centaur’ for the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was launched on the water

14 Sep 2018 ID:2762 Переглядів:1,754

Today, on September 14, in Urgent clearing of the main water descent to the water from the new series of landing and assault boats of the project 58503 (‘Centaur’), built at the Kiev shipbuilding plant PrAT ‘Factory’ Smith on Rybalsky ‘to the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This project has a number of differences from the boats of the same class in this class, including the speed of more than 40 knots, the reservation, the ability to carry the navy and landing through the nose ampere, as well as the presence of a jet system of salvo fire and combat modules.

Attendance ceremony included Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov, Defense Minister of Ukraine, General of the Army of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak, Commander of the Navy Armed Forces of Ukraine Admiral Ihor Voronchenko, management and employees of the enterprise.

– With the expansion of the naval presence of the Russian Federation, in particular in the Sea of ​​Azov, the need for small, highly maneuverable and well-equipped ships and boats is especially urgent for us, ‘said Ihor Voronchenko, the commander of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. ‘The launch of new combat units for the Naval Armed Forces of Ukraine is gradually becoming a routine event,’ he added.

The head of the Ukrainian Armed Forces noted that in the near future from the national industry for the Ukrainian Navy, modern rocket boats are expected to be able to carry the latest missile weapons of Ukrainian production, which will allow Ukraine’s naval defense forces to be increased.

According to the navy tradition, during the descent of a ship on the water a bottle of champagne was broken down. The baptismal mother of a boat became the People’s Deputy of Ukraine Iryna Friz. The musical accompaniment of the event was carried out by the military orchestra of the Ukrainian Navy. Representative of the clergy consecrated the boat and the crew.

The commander of the first landing and assault boat will be Senior Lieutenant Sergey Odynets. Officer of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2014, being a cadet of the 3rd year of the Naval Academy of the Navy. P.S. Nakhimova, did not betray the Military oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people, went to mainland Ukraine and continued his studies at the Naval Educational Institution. After release he continued his service in the crew of the surface ships of the national fleet.

Press center of the Navy Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


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