“Centauri” for the Naval Forces of Ukraine: one desant-assault boat was launched onto the water

20 Sep 2018 ID:2902 Переглядів:1,743

At Kyev descent to the water of one assault assault boat project 58503 (“Centaur”). Novi boyovі odіnііw was motivated at the Kyiv Shipbuilding Plant PrAT “Plant” Кузня на Рибальському “on the embankment of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the Vіskovo-Morsky Forces of the Ukrainian Air Force.
– “Centaurus” – the goal of another project for the future, a sort of buf of disunity and motivation for the selfless Ukraine, – signifying the chief of staff – the first patron of the commander of the Viskovsko-Morskih Forces of the Ukrainian Air Force, counter-admiral Andriy Tarasov. – Tsey cutter boat zapotkutvav seriyu such boyiov oditnits, mi vzhe maemo two descends on the water kateri tchikuєmo on prodovzhennya – after finishing vin.
Symbolically, the mother of the assault-assault boat, who was admitted to a naval landing for an amphibious assault on an unobtainable beach, was introduced to the Naval Forces of the Vyskovo-Morskih Forces of the Ukrainian Air Force, sergeant Yulia Medinska. In Krimu dovchina was serving in the 1st Feodosiy battalion of the Morskoyi Pihoti, a yangol-hunter of our zahisniki. In 2014, when I love to Ukraine, I press to the helm over the aggressor, Yulia in the warehouse of her pidrozdilu vijshla to the mainland part of the Batkivshchina, and propped up vikonuvati zavdanya for confessions. І syogodny Vona became the amulet of the new naval infantry fighting.
The descent of the boats in front of the tsitsu rotsi є prodovzhennya budivnitstva serії katerіv within the framework of the state program for the development of the embankment and technology for the period up to 2021 for the Vijskovo-Morskih Forces of the ZS of Ukraine in accordance with the method of nutschusvannya of the defense forces of Ukraine and Primorsky.

Komanduvania Press Center Naval Forces of Ukraine

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